Q: What Should I Do If I Am Involved In A Car Accident

A: If you are involved in an accident where there is either damage to a vehicle or property or where someone is injured, you are required by law to STOP, CALL THE POLICE, GIVE INFORMATION AND PROVIDE ASSISTANCE.

The information you are required to provide is your: name; address; car registration; car insurance; and driver’s license.

When in doubt, call the police and remain at the scene. You must also promptly notify your insurance company of the accident. By law, anyone who has a motor vehicle registered in Pennsylvania must have insurance.

Car insurance covers you, your family residing with you, your passengers, someone driving your car with your permission, pedestrains, bicyclists, and anyone else who is not required to have insurance.

By law, you must have coverage of at least $15,000 to compensate anyone injured by you and $30,000 to compensate everyone injured by you in the accident. You must also have at least $5,000 to cover any damages caused by you to someone’s property and $5,000 to cover your medical bills. You must also select Full or Limited Tort.

If you choose limited tort, you can only collect money for your pain and suffering if you have sustained the most serious of injuries. If you select full tort, you can collect for any and all types of injuries. Everyone should have full TORT.

If you are in an accident, what you say and do can affect your recovery.

DO NOT DISCUSS the accident with anyone, except to answer questions asked by the police.

DO NOT TAKE ANY BLAME for the accident.

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