Q: Do I Need A Lawyer To Buy Or Sell A Home?
A: Buying or selling a home is one of the most important contracts you will ever enter into. Before you sign an Agreement of Sale, you should have it reviewed by an attorney.
Q: Do I Need A Lawyer Even If I Am Using A Real Estate Agent And A Standard Form Agreement Of Sale?
A: Even if you have a realtor and/or even if you are using an approved Agreement of Sale form, you should have a lawyer “interpret” the Agreement for you, to make sure you understand what it says and to make sure your rights are protected. If I don’t use the services of a lawyer to help me buy or sell my home, is that a problem? The Agreemnt of Sale is a legal and binding contract when it is signed by the Buyer and Seller. Most people who have problems with the purchase and/or sale of a home did not have a lawyer review the Agreement of Sale before signing it, or they did not have a lawyer help them throughout the “process” or they did not have representation at the time of settlement. Why take chances on something so important?
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