Q: What Is A Living Will?
A: A Living Will is a written document wherein you decide whether or not you want your life to be prolonged by the use of artificial means if and when you become incompetent and have a terminal condition, or are in a state of permanent unconsciousness.
Q: Can I Appoint Someone To Make Decisions For Me If I Am Unable To?
A: You can designate a “surrogate” and an “alternate surrogate” to make medical decisions for you when you become incompetent.
Q: What Is The Purpose Of A Living Will?
A: With a Living Will, your wishes are followed if you are unable to communicate at the time decisions need to be made whether to withhold or withdraw any treatment or procedures.
Q: What Should A Living Will Contain?
A: A Living Will should contain specifics detailing the types of life-sustaining medical treatment and procedures you want or do not want, such as the ones listed in the Pennsylvania Advance Directive for Health Care Act.
Q: What Are The Legal Requirements To Make A Living Will?
A: To make a Living Will you must be at least 18 and of sound mind.
Q: When Must My Living Will Be Followed?
A: Your Living Will is to be followed only after your attending physician makes a written diagnosis that you are (1) incompetent, (2) either in a terminal condition or a permanent state of unconsciousness, and (3) another physician concurs.
The Pennsylvania Medical Society recommends doing the following to prepare for end of life care:
- Talk to your doctor so that you understand important medical determinations that affect your rights. Your doctor can also explain the good and bad features of various medical measures and artificial life support.
- Decide who you want to make health care decisions for you and the powers you want this person to have.
- Describe your wishes regarding your end of life and other future care.
- Write down your decisions and make an advanced health care directive.
- Make your wishes known. Keep an original copy of your advanced health care directive in a safe place, but ask your doctors to put a copy in your medical records. Also, give a copy to your health care agent. And be sure to talk about your advanced directive with family and friends who you expect to attend to your needs when you can’t speak for yourself.
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