Q: How Do I Get Custody Of My Children?
A: You file a Petition with the court. If you don’t know how to prepare and/or file a Petition, I can help you.
Q: Who Can File For Custody?
A: If the parents of a child or children do not live together, either parent can file for custody in order to establish who has physical and legal custody and for enforcement purposes. In certain circumstances, other parties such as grandparents may have custodial rights as well.
Q: What Are The Different Kinds Of Physical Custody
A: The person with whom the child or children primarily resides is said to have primary physical custody. The other parent or 3rd party has partial physical custody or visitation.
Q: What Does Partial Physical Custody Mean?
A: Partial physical custody allows the adult to take the child away from the primary physical custodian for overnights, weekends, vacations, etc.
Q: What Is Visitation?
A: Visitation allows the adult to see the child at a specific location and is usually supervised.
Q: What Is Legal Custody?
A: Legal custody has to do with who gets to make the major decisions involving the child or children, such as schooling, religion, medical, etc.
Q: What Does A Typical Custody Order Look Like?
A: Typical custody orders set forth who has legal custody and who has the child or children during the week, and often includes holidays and vacation schedules.
Q: Where Do Custody Actions Have To Be Filed?
A: Custody actions should be filed in the home state and county in which the child has lived for the proceeding 6 months (with certain exceptions).
Q: Can Custody Orders Be Changed?
A: Custody orders are subject to modification when it is in the best interests of the child to do so.
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